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I, the undersigned, hereby confirm that I have completed 18 yr of my age. . All the information is explained me in my vernacular language, I am joining as direct Seller at my own Will and not forced by my sponsor or company. I will solely responsible to any loss due to my decision to become Direct Seller with the company and I will not hold company or my sponsor guilty or responsible in whatever way in future. I agree to adhere to and abide by the Conditions mentioned hereunder. I shall become a Direct Seller, on Purchase of various products which will make me eligible for a relation as a Direct Seller with the Company.

I agree to adhere to and abide by the conditions mentioned hereunder. I shall become a Direct Seller, on Purchase of various products which will make me eligible for a relation as a Direct Seller with the Company. My Direct Seller relation cannot be transferred sold, assigned to any person without the prior written consent of the company. I am responsible to pay all my applicable taxes from time to time and the Company will not be held liable for the same. I have no objection and I agree to the Company deducting tax at source from my weekly/monthly actual cheque as per rates prescribed under the Income Tax Act 1961 or pay the same as prescribed under any other law for the time being in force or any modification thereof.

I solemnly confirm that the information set forth is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief and have read, understood and hereby agree to the terms and conditions given in the reverse side of this form and those prevalent/updated on the company’s website, a copy of which has been made available to me by my sponsor. I also confirm and agree to abide by such terms and conditions modified or amended by the said company from time to time. By signing here, I expressly agree to be abiding by terms & Conditions of this Contract